
Hello students! My name is Alastair Kierulf and I am your student representative for the Canadian Society of Analytical Science and Spectroscopy (CSASS). I'm here to represent all undergraduate and graduate student members of CSASS! A little bit about myself; I'm currently doing my PhD research at Queen's University in Ontario, but am originally from British Columbia! My hobbies include long walks on the beach and late nights in the lab. When I'm not pouring over excel spreadsheets (and softly crying) I can be found playing the trumpet, singing in the Queen's Choral Ensemble, or trying to ignite the plasma for the thirtieth time. My research is focused on toxic element analysis is soils, so I'm never afraid to get down and dirty!

But enough about me, I want to hear from you! As the student representative, my goal is to make CSASS better for students and help you get the most out of this society. You can start by becoming a member, which will give you access to special events organized by your local CSASS sections such as workshops, invited speakers, or visits to industries and government agencies. We all know how great it is to save money, so CSASS members receive discounts on registration fees to workshops, ICASS, Spectr'Atom, and the Winter Conference on Plasma Spectroscopy! Plus student members receive a discounted rate on their CSASS membership! Wow!

For those of you that are already members, thank you! Your continued support is what keeps this society alive. CSASS works hard to benefit all its members so if there is anything you'd like to see happen, send me an email!

I'm always available over email (kierulf.a@queensu.ca) if you have questions, comments, concerns, or want to send me some quality spectroscopy memes (because who doesn't love a good meme?)

Spectrophotometrically yours,

Alastair Kierulf

Student Representative on the National Executive Committee for CSASS