
The PerkinElmer Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy Award

This award is sponsored by PerkinElmer. It is given to a Canadian spectroscopist in recognition of a significant contribution to the application of spectroscopy to analytical chemistry or to other technological problems relevant to industry, medicine, or the environment.

2023 - R. Algar
2022 - S. Hopkins
2021 - P. Hayes
2020 -
2019 - Kevin Stamplecoskie
2008 - E. Reiner
2007 - Y. Xu
2006 - V. Taguchi
2005 - H.P. Loock
2004 - M. Blades
2003 - R. Guevremont
2002 - M. Auger
2001 - A. Stolow
1999 - D. Burns
1998 - J. Ripmeester
1997 - B. Simard
1996 - D.C. Grégoire
1995 - A. Lawrence and J.C. Scaiano
1994 - J.D. McLaren
1993 - T.B. McMahon
1992 - C. Preston
1991 - W. Doherty
1990 - M. Falk
1989 - M.B. Comisarow
1988 - D. Douglas
1986 - R.E. Sturgeon
1985 - C.A. Fyfe
1984 - A.J. Merer
1983 - R.M. Leblanc
1982 - J.B. French
1981 - L.D. Hall
1980 - J.L. Holmes
1979 - I.C.P. Smith
1978 - H.L. Buijs
1977 - G. Horlick

The Gerhard Herzberg Award

This award is given annually by the CSASS to a Canadian spectroscopist in recognition of outstanding achievement in the science of spectroscopy.

2023 - G. Goward
2022 - D. Bryce
2021 - G. Wu
2020 -
2019 - Yunjie Xu
2018 - D. Beauchemin
2013 - T. Carrington Jr.
2012 -
2011 - M. Lafleur
2010 - L. Li
2009 - R.E. March
2008 - P. Harvey
2007 - C. Reber
2006 - D. Bohme
2005 -  
2004 - K.W.M. Siu
2003 - R.F. Aroca
2002 - R. Sturgeon
2001 - A.R.W. McKellar
2000 - J.A. Weil
1999 - M. Pézolet
1998 - W.F. Reynolds and B.D. Sykes
1997 - I.S. Butler
1996 - A.B.P. Lever
1995 - P.T.T. Wong
1994 - R.E. Wasylishen
1993 - M. Moskovits
1992 - B.R. Henry
1991 - G.M. Bancroft
1990 - J.L. Holmes
1989 - A.D. Bandrauk
1988 - M.C.L. Gerry
1987 -
1986 - I.C.P. Smith
1985 - T.E. Gough
1984 - H.H. Mantsch
1983 - C.E. Brion
1982 - J.C.D. Brand
1981 - G.W. King
1980 - C. Sandorfy *
1979 - R.N. Jones *
1978 - H.L. Bernstein *
1977 - C.L. Chakrabarti
1976 - A. Cabana
1975 - T.P. Schaefer
1973 - P. Krueger